April 1, 2010 Meeting
Eric Hansen, Karen Carey, Steve Cauffman, William Sullivan (in person at the Middletown Library Service Center)
Shelley Holley, Kim Farrington, (both via conference call)
Conference planning - We have reporters for each of the 3 session and section members willing to introduce the speakers. Steve will make sure that people are lined up for introductions and that they have biographies of the speakers. Steve will also create Resource Sharing Section handouts to let attendees know about the section and it's activities.
Annual meeting - We will hold our annual meeting at the CLA Conference and it will take place at the end of the first session titled "What Does ILL Really Cost." The prime task of the meeting will be to elect a chair for FY11 and a chair elect who would become chair in FY12. The section is still looking for volunteers for these positions. Steve would consider running for chair for FY11 to keep the section going. Mark Gore is considering becoming a co-chair for FY12, and would need another co-chair.
Ideas for a fall stand-alone session - If we decide to have a fall session, it would be either a full day or a half a day session and it would have to break even or preferably make some money for CLA. We could keep costs down if we had the speaker present via a Webinar, though charging for such a session might be an issue. Maybe we could do both, have the speaker in person and broadcast it via a Webinar.
Once we decide on a topic and speaker(s), we would look for a location to host the event, provided it would be in person. It would take place in the fall. We should stay away from September and October because those times are particularly busy in ILL, especially for academic libraries. Potentially the best time would be early November, before Nov. 15. We could piggy-back a session off one of the fall ILL Roundtable meetings, though that would mean a whole day out of the office for some ILL staff members. We'll think about this for the next meeting.
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